Doctrine 1 - Bibliology
Authority of Scripture
*Note the following 2 definitions of authority:
General: Power or right to enforce obedience; moral or legal supremacy; right to command or give a final decision
New Testament noun with most common usage (102) – exousia – “power exercised by rulers or others in high position by virtue of their office”
*“Given the nature of God and his Word, he alone is qualified to establish and attest to Scripture’s divine authority. This is precisely what he does through the internal testimony of the Holy Spirit to a believer” (p116).
*In the Biblical worldview ultimate authority rests with God alone.
-Consequently, God’s word has authority – His “authoritative stamp” is on the Bible.
*The outworking of God’s authority on scripture is:
- not bestowed by humans (in other words, it is authoritative whether we agree with it or not)
- it is unchanging (time and culture have not impact in the Bible’s authority)
- it is the exclusive spiritual authority
- it cannot be overthrown
- it is God’s ultimate authority (it is not subject or secondary to other forms of authority
- it is obligatory (we obey God by obeying His word)
- its authority has consequences.
Source: MacArthur, John and Mayhue, Richard. Biblical Doctrine (A systematic Summary of Bible Truth). (2017). Crossway Publishers. Illinois. provides the following understanding in summary:
“The authority of Scripture means every word and stroke of the Bible possesses the authority of God and the right to rule the hearts, minds, and bodies of every inhabitant of the earth. Scripture’s authority doesn’t depend on whether mankind cooperates with it or understands it. Its authority depends on the power and supremacy of its Author—God. Scripture is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16), which means Scripture is God speaking and thus has the final say in all matters—whether we choose to submit to it or not”.
What Is the Authority of Scripture, and How Can We Trust It? - Topical Studies (
For further study:
What Is the Authority of Scripture, and How Can We Trust It? - Topical Studies (